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  • RU
Nodes Studio


Nodes Studio includes admin panel (CMS), which is a class described in the file /engine/nodes/admin.php.
Generating data of CMS based on filling the variables of the admin class object of the site:


object $this->site - primary site object.
string $this->title - page caption. Displayed in the <head>.
string $this->content - HTML page content. Displayed in the <body>.
string $this->onload - handler window.onload() for JavaScript functions.
array $this->statistic[] - an array of CMS statistics.


The functionality is represented by admin files from /engine/core/admin/, which contain the functions, available for execution by engine::function_name($cms); and it includes:


engine::print_admin_pages($cms) - section "Pages" with the manage system of public pages.

engine::print_admin_content($cms) - section "Content" with the contents manage system.

engine::print_admin_products($cms) - section "Products" with the products manage system.

engine::print_admin_users($cms) - section "Users" with the users manage system.

engine::print_admin_orders($cms) - section "Orders" with the orders manage system.

engine::print_admin_finance($cms) - section "Finance" with the finances manage system.

engine::print_admin_language($cms) - section "Language" with the language manage system.

engine::print_admin_attendance($cms) - section "Attendance" with the site traffic statistics.

engine::print_admin_files($cms) - section "Files" with the file manager.

engine::print_admin_config($cms) - section "Config" with the site settings.

engine::print_admin_backend($cms) - section "Backend" with the backend manage system.

engine::print_admin_templates($cms) - section "Templates" with the template manage system.

engine::print_admin_perfomance($cms) - section "Perfomance" with the site speed statistics.

engine::print_admin_outbox($cms) - section "Outbox" with the manage system of bulk Email.

engine::print_admin_logs($cms) - section "Logs" with log of events.

engine::print_admin_errors($cms) - section "Errors" with log of errors.